Lift off.

Founders know that growth comes from the right partnerships. Our team of insurance veterans is here to help you find them.

Whether your startup streamlines agency work, explains employee benefits, automates underwriting, or does something else entirely, we have industry partners who want to hear about it.

Look ahead. Get there faster.

We’re here to help our partners stay ahead of this rapidly changing market. Viewpoint’s work with founders gives us unrivaled visibility into the future of insurance.

Our team has a depth of experience in insurance operations, analytics and venture capital. That means we bridge the gap between the startups and experienced players.

Meet Your Future.

The Viewpoint Intelligence Network connects hundreds of established insurance leaders with innovative startup founders. We built it to power your success, advance the whole industry, and hone our own venture investing edge.

Our Network

By the Numbers

The Viewpoint Intelligence Network is already large and growing. Our industry partners are leaders from all facets of insurance and represent some of the largest carriers and distribution organizations out there.

Leading Insurance Entities
Insurance Carriers
in Insurance Premium
of the 10 Largest US P&C Carriers
of the Top 10 Annuity Writers
of the 10 Largest Global P&C Brokerages
How do you join
the network?

Talk with us for 30 minutes. We want to understand your priorities and objectives.

We curate lists of relevant startups based on your priorities and objectives.
If you are interested in connecting, we will confirm with the startup and then make the match.